The Two A-Holes talking to a Christmas tree salesman (Two A-Holes Buying A Christmas Tree)
Two A-Holes is a recurring sketch featuring Kristen Wiig and Jason Sudeikis as a self absorbed couple who constantly talk on the phone, chew gum, and completely ignore their surroundings. The sketches usually feature only Wiig, Sudeikis and the guest host as a comedic foil to the two's brainless attempts at the most menial tasks (describing a thief to a police officer, buying a Christmas tree).
The male A-Hole does most of the talking in the sketch. He is always wearing a bluetooth and directing questions peppered with the endearment "Babe" at his better half. The female A-Hole spends most of the sketch whining and twisting her hair. She occasionally throws her hands up and does a pop culture 'impression' that only amuses the male A-Hole.
- December 17, 2005 - Host Jack Black - "Two A-Holes Buying a Christmas Tree"
- March 11, 2006 - Host Matt Dillon - "Two A-Holes at a Travel Agency"
- May 20, 2006 - Host Kevin Spacey - "Two A-Holes at a Crime Scene"
- October 21, 2006 - Host John C. Reilly - "Two A-Holes Work Out with a Trainer"
- December 9, 2006 - Host Annette Bening - "Two A-Holes in a Live Nativity Scene"
- January 20, 2007 - Host Jeremy Piven - "Two A-Holes at an Adoption Agency"
- May 17, 2008 - Host Steve Carell - "Two A-Holes do Karaoke"
- October 26, 2008 - Host Jon Hamm - "Two A-Holes at an Ad Agency in the 1960's