Saturday Night Live Wiki
NBC's Saturday Night Live!
—Don Pardo calling the show "Saturday Night Live" for the first time, March 26 1977

Season 2 of Saturday Night Live aired from the fall of 1976 to the spring of 1977. Original cast member Chevy Chase left shortly into season, and was replaced by Bill Murray after the Christmas break. The episode on March 26, 1977 where Jack Burns hosted was the first episode to be called Saturday Night Live, though it and the following episode were the only ones to use that name, with those following reverting to NBC's Saturday Night.

There was even a Live From Mardi Gras episode, that aired on February 20, 1977.

During the "Debate '76" sketch of the first show, Chevy Chase (portraying Gerald Ford) fell over his podium to the ground. While he finished the episode, it was announced at the beginning of the following episode that he was injured and in the hospital, and as a result he missed that episode and the one that followed. He returned for three episodes before leaving for good.

The story of the injury was likely a fabrication, and his absence the beginning of his departure from the show. Not only was he present for the rest of the episode (despite perennial rumors that he was rushed straight to the hospital by ambulance), he can be seen dancing with the rest of the cast in the ending musical number, "Antler Dance", moves that would have been impossible with a groin injury that required hospitalization.

Cast: The Not Ready for Prime Time Players[]

Dan s1  John s1  Chevy s1 

Jane s1  Garrett s1  Bill s2 

Laraine s1  Gilda s1 


  • Chevy Chase: Final October 30
  • Bill Murray: First January 15 (uncredited); first credited January 22



Opening montage[]



From March 26, 1977, the first episode to call the series "Saturday Night Live".



Preceded by:
Season 1
Season 2
(1976— 1977)
Followed by:
Season 3