Saturday Night Live Wiki
Saturday Night Live Wiki
 October 7, 2006
 Season 32 episode
SNL Jaime Pressly
Corrine Bailey Rae
 Episode 606
 Season Episode 2
 Host Jaime Pressly
 Musical Guest(s) Corinne Bailey Rae
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"Put Your Records On"
"Like A Star"
Previous Episode
September 30, 2006
Next Episode
October 21, 2006

The 606th episode and 2nd episode of Saturday Night Live's 32nd season premiered on October 7, 2006, hosted by actress Jaime Pressly, star of the NBC's hit comedy series My Name Is Earl, with musical guest Corinne Bailey Rae, an English singer and songwriter.

This was Jaime Pressly's only time hosting on SNL and Corinne Bailey Rae made her only musical guest appearance.

Jaime Pressly's goodnights speech is "Thanks again to Corinne Bailey Rae. Thank you to all the cast of “Saturday Night Live”! Thank you! Thank you, thank you! Lorne Michaels – I had the time of my life! Good night!" (Applause)


Repertory Players[]

Sketches and Musical Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
A Message from the Speaker House Speaker Dennis Hastert (Darrell Hammond) comments on the Mark Foley scandal.
Opening Montage This is the only episode to use the Dick Ebersol-era SNL logo from seasons 7-10, but it's slightly modified. Also, the host and musical guest photos now take up the entire screen, a permanent of the next three seasons of this intro.
Jaime Pressly's Monologue Hosting for the only time, Jaime Pressley attempts to deter the use of cliched Southern hick jokes so she can perform the Peggy Lee song “Fever.”
Headline Price with Nancy Grace Nancy Grace (Amy Poehler) interrogates a former male page (Andy Samberg) who worked under Congressman Mark Foley, a Microsoft operator (Jaime Pressley), and the nighttime janitor (Kenan Thompson) who might have moved her chair.
New York City Stories Martin Scorcese (Fred Armisen) recalls famous street locations where he filmed his movies, while Rosie Perez (Amy Poehler) rambles incoherently.
Jon Bovi Record executive Jackie Downs (Jaime Pressley) endures a meeting with would-be rockers Jon Bovi (Jason Sudeikis, Will Forte), whose hits are little than reverse versions of 80’s hair metal fodder.
WVIR News Michelle Dison (Kristin Wiig), a newly-divorced reporter, struggles through a live interview with, and a confused attraction to, Crystal Duggler (Jaime Pressley), the winner of the Hands on a Hard Body contest.
New York City Stories Part 2 Lou Reed (Fred Armisen) and Patti Smith (Amy Poehler) recall the rock music at CBGB’s and odd places where they paid rent.
St. Ambrose School High school principal (Bill Hader) chides student Nicole (Jaime Pressley) for acting keeping her cell phone on during class, until Mrs. Hastings (Kenan Thompson), her black stepmom, arrives to offer support and understanding.
Corinne Bailey Rae Performed "Put Your Records On"
Weekend Update with Amy Poehler & Seth Meyers
Peter O’Toole (Bill Hader) thinks Mark Foley is unworthy of the term “alcoholic”; Fugly Betsy (Fred Armisen) stars in Ugly Betty knock-off produced by Charo (Maya Rudolph).
The Nascarettes Head NASCAR cheerleader (Jaime Pressley) leads her new recruits into performing their moves on the track during the race, but not all of them succeed in running out of the way as the cars perform their laps.
New York City Stories Part 3 Fran Leibowitz (Fred Armisen) and Yoko Ono (Amy Poehler) wax poetic about the city.
Big Wigs Business executives (Jason Sudeikis, Bill Hader, Andy Samberg) are fearful that the corporate Big Wigs (Jaime Pressley, Amy Poehler) will step too close to the ceiling fan.
Kuato At a party, Claire (Jaime Pressley) is interested in Danny (Bill Hader) until the Kuato (Andy Samberg) from “Total Recall” bursts out of his chest.
Corinne Bailey Rae Performed "Like A Star
Cider Chat Next-door neighbors (Jaime Pressley, Kristen Wiig) dispense distasteful gossip while drinking cider on their back porch.
A Moment with the Out-of-Breath Jogger From 1982 In 1982, an exhausted jogger (Andy Samberg) spouts the era’s cliched jargon while panting breathlessly.
Goodnights Jaime Pressly thanked Corinne Bailey Rae, all the cast of Saturday Night Live, and Lorne Michaels, she had the time of her life.
Preceded by:
September 30, 2006
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
October 21, 2006