Saturday Night Live Wiki
 October 25, 1975
 Season 1 episode
Rob Reiner s1
 Episode 3
 Season Episode 3
 Host Rob Reiner
Previous Episode
October 18, 1975
Next Episode
November 8, 1975

The third episode of NBC's Saturday Night was hosted by Rob Reiner, with guests Penny Marshall, The Lockers, Andy Kauffman, and Denny Dillon and Mark Hampton. Unlike the first two episodes, host Rob Reiner did perform in sketches. This was the only time hosting for Rob Reiner.


The Not Ready For Primetime Players[]

Onscreen appearances by band members Bob Crenshaw and Mauricio Smith, writers Tom Davis, Al Franken, Anne Beatts, Tom Schiller, and Alan Zweibel, and talent coordinator Neil Levy
Cameos by George Coe, Jacuqeline Carlin, Bert Jones, Dahaud Elias Shaar, and Clifford Einstein


 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary

Wheelchair Bound - Saturday Night Live

Mr. Featherstone (Chevy Chase) regains his ability to walk but then falls out of his wheelchair. It's the debut of Chevy's pratfall.
Montage   Michael O'Donoghue is (briefly) added back to the cast.
Monologue by Rob Reiner Rob-reiner-monologue-10-25-75 Rob Reiner portrays a smarmy lounge singer.
National Pancreas Association Pancreas-10-25-75 Ed (John Belushi) learns his pancreas is on the fritz.
Fashion Dont's Fashion-show-10-25-75 Rob Reiner and Penny Marshall host a showing of fashion mistakes that are worn by contestants (Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris, Laraine Newman, Michael O'Donoghue, Gilda Radner.)
Golden Needles Golden-needles-10-25-75 Spokesman (George Coe) introduces voodoo acupuncture for surgery-free healing.
Andy Kaufman performs "Pop Goes The Weasel." Andy-kaufman-10-25-75
Dangerous But Inept Dangerous-but-inept-10-25-75 Squeaky Fromme (Laraine Newman) tries to shoot Jane Curtin during an interview.
Felina Cat Food Felina-cat-food-10-25-75 Test proves it's different than regular tuna.
The Lockers perform The-lockers-10-25-75 The Lockers dance around Studio 8H.
Weekend Update With Chevy Chase

Weekend Update with Chevy Chase - Saturday Night Live

Chevy Chase talks about the latest top news, Laraine Newman reports about a hostage situation at the Blaine Hotel and Garrett Morris helps tell the top story for people with hearing trouble.
Wrigley's Wrigleys-gum-10-25-75 Wrigley's is the only gum for the deceased.
"With A Little Help From My Friends"

John Belushi as Joe Cocker 'High With A Little Help From My Friends' © HD 1080p

Joe Cocker (John Belushi) performs an extra spastic version of "With A Little Help From My Friends."
Droolers Anti-Defamation League Droolers-Anti-Defemation-League-10-25-75 A spokesperson (Chevy Chase) promotes awareness for the Droolers Anti-Defamation League.
Middle American Van Lines Middle-american-van-lines-10-25-75 Used to move people, not their possessions.
Square Dance Hoedown-10-25-75 A sadistic hoe-down caller (Dan Aykroyd) torments square dancers (John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Jane Curtin, Penny Marshall, Garrett Morris, Laraine Newman, Michael O'Donoghue, Gilda Radner) with his calls.
The Land of Gorch The-muppets-10-25-75 Ploobis discovers his son Wisss has been smoking craters.
Denny Dillon and Mark Hampton   Denny Dillion and Mark Hampton play as nuns who are practicing for the emceeing talent night for their parish.
Monologue Rob Reiner Rob-reiner-monologue-10-25-75 Rob Reiner portrays a smarmy lounge singer.
What Gilda Ate What-gilda-ate-10-25-75 Gilda Radner tells the audience everything she ate that day.
A Film by Albert Brooks: Operation Operation-10-25-75 Albert Brooks film shows a heart surgery.
Bees The-bees-10-25-75 The Bees (Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris, Laraine Newman, Michael O'Donoghue, Gilda Radner) ruin Rob Reiner's chance to do a dramatic scene with Penny Marshall. NOTE: In the original broadcast of this episode, there were no goodnights, and the show ended after this sketch. However, reruns added credits, which were placed over photos from the openig montage.


  • Featured guest Denny Dillon later joined the cast for season 6
Preceded by:
October 18, 1975
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
November 8, 1975