Saturday Night Live Wiki
 October 23, 2010
 Season 36 episode
SNL Emma Stone 2010
Kings of Leon 36
 Episode 684
 Season Episode 4
 Host Emma Stone
 Musical Guest(s) Kings of Leon
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
Previous Episode
October 9, 2010
Next Episode
October 30, 2010

The 4th episode of Season 36 and the 684th episode of Saturday Night Live, hosted by actress Emma Stone with musical guest Kings of Leon. Emma Stone made her SNL (and hosting) debut and this was the 2nd musical guest stint for the Kings of Leon.





  • Reid Rally Cold Open
  • Emma Stone's Monologue - First-time host Emma Stone talks about her nerdy fans from the movies she's done and is pestered by nerds in the audience who want to make out with her, including her Superbad costars Jonah Hill (Bobby Moynihan) and Michael Cera (Taran Killam).
  • I Broke My Arm, a digital short in which Emma Stone sings a club/pop song about breaking her arm. She is possibly channeling artist Ke$ha in this clip.
  • Kings of Leon perform "Radioactive"
  • Les Jeunes de Paris
  • Kings of Leon perform "Pyro"
Preceded by:
October 9, 2010
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
October 30, 2010