Saturday Night Live Wiki
 November 20, 1993
 Season 19 episode
Nicole Kidman
Stone Temple Pilots
 Episode 353
 Season Episode 7
 Host Nicole Kidman
 Musical Guest(s) Stone Temple Pilots
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"Naked Sunday"
Previous Episode
November 13, 1993
Next Episode
December 4, 1993

The 7th episode of Season 19 and the 353rd episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on November 20, 1993, hosted by actress Nicole Kidman with rock band Stone Temple Pilots as the musical guest.

This was Nicole Kidman's only time hosting and the only musical guest stint on SNL for the Stone Temple Pilots.



† Credited, but did not appear in this episode.

Cameo by Dana Carvey


 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Wayne's World: At the Movies
Wayne’s World- Wayne (Mike Myers) & Garth (Dana Carvey) give their thoughts on some 1993 movies
The Denise Show: Obsessive Brian
Denise’s best friend (Nicole Kidman) is interested in Brian (Adam Sandler).
Phillip the Hyper Hypo and Grace
hyperactive Phillip (Mike Myers) talks with another kid (Nicole Kidman) at the jungle gym
United We Stand America
Ross Perot (Dana Carvey) claims that (Tim Meadows) is the first NAFTA unemployment victim.
Yelling in the Kitchen
(Nicole Kidman, Phil Hartman, Julia Sweeney, Mike Myers) take turns arguing in the kitchen.
Preceded by:
November 13, 1993
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
December 4, 1993