Saturday Night Live Wiki
 November 19, 1983
 Season 9 episode
Jerry Lewis
 Episode 165
 Season Episode 6
 Host Jerry Lewis
 Musical Guest(s) Loverboy
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"Working for the Weekend"
Previous Episode
November 12, 1983
Next Episode
December 3, 1983

The 6th episode of Season 9 and the 165th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on November 19, 1983, hosted by the legendary comedian and actor Jerry Lewis with musical guest Loverboy, a Canadian rock band. This is the only hosting stint for Jerry Lewis and the only musical guest appearance on SNL for Loverboy.


Repertory Players[]

Sketches and Music Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Operating Room A group of doctors took a patient (Jerry Lewis) to the emergency room for bypass surgery. While they begin the operation, He has a dream about the showgirls and the Rat Pack (Joe Piscopo, Eddie Murphy). After he woke up, the doctor asks him about the checkup. Then the patient says it was a dream.
Monologue by Jerry Lewis After Jerry Lewis demonstrates how a pratfall can be a quick save, Joe Piscopo and Eddie Murphy present him with a throne and crown him The King of Comedy, as he's making his only hosting stint.
Man on the Street People on the streets answer, "What famous person do you look like?"
The Forum Three random Americans discuss where they were when they heard John F. Kennedy was shot, even if they were slow to get the news.
American in Paris Jerry Lewis watches his French dub voice actor (Tim Kazurinsky) treat his dramatic turn in The King of Comedy as another one of his slapstick comedies.
Cornet Rosemary Clooney (Jim Belushi) sings the praises of the paper products' ability to clean up her messes.
Entertainment Tonight Mary Hart (Mary Gross) and Ron Hendren (Joe Piscopo) present stories about The Day After, Jerry Lewis, Dr. Thomas Noguchi (Jim Belushi) and more (Robin Duke, Mary Gross, Gary Kroeger, Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Joe Piscopo).
Parachute While skydiving, Mr. Rosenblatt (Jerry Lewis) and his instructor (Eddie Murphy) discover there's only one parachute between the both of them.
Saturday Night News with Brad Hall Brad Hall doesn't get too many jokes in this week, and does the "Thank you, Brad" routine for the third week in a row, but has a pair of particularly dark ones that boost the average. Instead, he leads off this week's SNN with a version of The Day After appropriate for preschool-aged children, complete with childlike drawings. This was merely alright, but I like the ending being whitewashed to everyone taking a long walk in the country. More successful is Hall's debate with Jim Belushi over the TV movie, where the latter is more interested in watching football. While it starts off similarly to Hall and Belushi's Point-Counterpoint from two weeks before (right down to Belushi interrupting Hall's resolution with a "come on!") this really picks up when Belushi accuses ABC of airing the movie as a pilot for a series where they nuke different American cities each week, and ties nicely into Belushi's earlier remarks about the Green Bay Packers. Julia Louis-Dreyfus appears to comment about her lack of airtime, only getting time to mention that her speech was four and a half minutes long in dress rehearsal. Quick joke, it worked. The "traditional" Mary Gross returns to deliver a "spittin' mad" commentary on the upcoming holiday season's new traditions, ranting about fruitcake, assortment baskets, holiday parties (which includes a very impressive run on pre- and post-holiday parties), egg nog, and doctors going skiing (they go to Mount Sinai...the real one). An improvement over her last few "spittin' mads". Joe Piscopo returns with Saturday Night Sports, where Jim Brown (Eddie Murphy) explains why he wants to return to the NFL at age 47: he wants to protect his rushing record, and protests that they don't count his 1000 yards from his scene in The Dirty Dozen (which is shown as "game" footage). This was merely alright, more notable for the film clip than anything. Hall signs off as Elvis Presley.
Fascinating People and Their Friends Mike Nash (Tim Kazurinsky) interviews Ram Fellstein (Jerry Lewis) of the American Jewish Football League.
Larry's Corner

Larry's Corner - Saturday Night Live

Dale Butterworth's (Gary Kroeger) reign as the world's luckiest man comes to a quick end.
Loverboy Performs "Working for the Weekend"
Dysfunctional Thanksgiving Dinner Kate (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) returns home from college for Thanksgiving. During dinner, Katie accuses her parents of being both racist and close-minded. Her father (Jim Belushi) is incensed while her mother (Mary Gross) hears her out.
Gusty At the No Exit Cafe, folk singer Gusty (Jim Belushi) performs a song for the whales.
Jerry Schtick Jerry Lewis interrupts Joe Piscopo's promo for upcoming broadcasts and gives him and Eddie Murphy advice on how to impersonate him.
Goodnights Jerry Lewis mentions that Loverboy's second song ("Hot Girls In Love") had to be cut and thanks the "lovely" audience and "beautiful group of people" he worked with; the feed cuts off before the credits.
Preceded by:
November 12, 1983
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
December 3, 1983