Saturday Night Live Wiki
 May 3, 2014
 Season 39 episode
Andrew Garfield
Cold Play 39
 Episode 764
 Season Episode 19
 Host Andrew Garfield
 Musical Guest(s) Coldplay
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"A Sky Full Of Stars"
Previous Episode
April 12, 2014
Next Episode
May 10, 2014

The 19th episode of Season 39 and the 764th episode of Saturday Night Live, hosted by English actor Andrew Garfield, star of The Amazing Spider-Man with musical guest Coldplay. It premiered on May 3, 2014. This was the 2nd appearance and the first time as host for Andrew Garfield.

This is also Coldplay's fifth time as the musical guest on SNL, thus making the English pop rock band a former five-time musical guest.

Andrew Garfield’s goodnights speech is Thank You To Coldplay, (cheers and applause) Emma Stone, (cheers and applause again) The Entire Amazing Ridiculous Cast, The Writers, Lorne, Lindsay, That Woman Right There, (groans) I’m So Sad It’s Over, That Was Too Quick For Me. So Much Love And I Hope I Come Back. Maybe, I Don’t Know? Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla Bla...... (Cheers and applause again)


Repertory Players[]

Featured Players[]

Cameo by Emma Stone

Sketches and Musical Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Donald Sterling Press Conference Cold Opening Following his racist recording rant, L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling (Bobby Moynihan) makes his half-hearted apologies to the NBA.
Monologue by Andrew Garfield Fellow “Spiderman” actors Emma Stone and Aidy Bryant give first-timer Andrew Garfield pointers on how to quell his hosting jitters, as he making his second appearance and hosting for the first time.
Family Feud Steve Harvey (Kenan Thompson) moderates as American music performers are pitted against international music performers.
Oliver Twist A starving Oliver Twist (Andrew Garfield) fights older orphan Dierdre (Cecily Strong) for the last bowl of soup.
The Beygency
Coldplay performed "Magic"
Weekend Update with Cecily Strong and Colin Jost Russian woman Olya Povlatsky (Kate McKinnon) talks about the Ukranian attack in her village. In-house image expert Leslie Jones comments about People Magazine’s Most Beautiful Person. Jebediah Atkinson (Taran Killam) reviews the Tony Awards
Spider-Man Kiss While filming “Spider Man 2”, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone are incapable of kissing like normal human beings.
Wedding Toast Kevin (Andrew Garfield) makes an ass of himself when he admits to being in love with the bride (Cecily Strong) at her reception.
Coldplay performed "A Sky Full of Stars"
The Bird Bible Rerun from March 1, 2014.
Goodnights Andrew Garfield thanked Coldplay, Emma Stone, the entire amazing ridiculous cast, the writers, Lorne, Lindsay, that woman right here, he's so sad it's over, that was too quick for him, and he hope he can come back, maybe and he says "Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla, Bla.....".


The cheering from the audience is very loud in this episode.

This is the first episode in which Colin Jost says “Here are tonight’s top stories.”

On On Demand, NBC App, Apple TV & the New Episode versions, the cheers and applause from the montage is used. On other versions, the cheers and applause from the studio is used.

Preceded by:
April 12, 2014
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
May 10, 2014