Saturday Night Live Wiki
Saturday Night Live Wiki
 May 15, 1993
 Season 18 episode
Kevin Kline s18
Paul and Willie
 Episode 346
 Season Episode 20
 Host Kevin Kline
 Musical Guest(s) Willie Nelson
Paul Simon
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"Still Is Still Moving to Me"
Previous Episode
May 8, 1993
Next Episode
September 25, 1993
(Season 19)

The season finale of Season 18 and the 346th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on May 15, 1993, hosted by actor Kevin Kline, with country singer Willie Nelson and folk-rock singer Paul Simon as the musical guests. This is Kevin Kline's 2nd hosting stint, and Willie Nelson and Paul Simon made their third and ninth musical guest appearances, respectively, on SNL.

This marked the final episode for longtime cast members Chris Rock and Robert Smigel.

Rock (who joined the cast in 1990), had left the show after three years, and writer-performer Smigel (a writer since 1985, and became a featured player in 1991), had left the show after eight years as a writer, and two years as a performer.


Repertory Players[]



Cameo by original (and former) cast member Dan Aykroyd
Special guest appearance by former longtime cast member Jan Hooks

Sketches and Music Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
White House Cold Open
Bill (Phil Hartman) & Hillary (Jan Hooks) Clinton deal with Bob Dole (Dan Aykroyd) differently.
Opening montage Chris Rock and Robert Smigel's final times being credited as cast members. Near the end of the intro, when announcing special guest Jan Hooks, announcer Don Pardo mistakenly says “Special musical guest……….(long pause as he realizes his screw-up)……….Jan Hooks!”.
Monologue by Kevin Kline Making his second hosting stint, actor Kevin Kline takes it easy backstage while Kevin Nealon masquerades as him on Home Base, but the Audience McGee (Adam Sandler) is wise to the scheme.
How to Find Financial Freedom
Willie Nelson & Paul Simon perform “Graceland”
Weekend Update with Kevin Nealon
The Juice Last SNL sketch appearance of Robert Smigel as a credited cast member.
Shmee Final SNL sketch appearance of Chris Rock as a cast member.
Dr. Frankenstein’s Re-animation Theory
Willie Nelson & Paul Simon perform “Still Is Still Moving to Me”
Schiller's Reel: Criminal Encounter
Goodnights and Closing Credits Kevin Kline said he had a great time, he thanked the entire cast, Willie Nelson and Paul Simon and he says That's the "Last Show of the Season".


  • In addition to Smigel, this was also the final episode for fellow longtime writers Jack Handey, Bonnie and Terry Turner, and Christine Zander.
    • Handey (who had written on the show since 1985, with the exception of the 1986-87 season) left after seven acumulative years with the show.
    • While the Turners and Zander (who had all been writing for the show since 1987) left the show after 6½ years.
    • Then-head writer Jim Downey later attributed part of the next season's drop in quality and the negative reception of season 20, to the turnovers among the writing staff and cast.
Preceded by:
May 8, 1993
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
September 25, 1993 (Season 19)