Saturday Night Live Wiki
 May 13, 1989
 Season 14 episode
 Episode 265
 Season Episode 19
 Host Wayne Gretzky
 Musical Guest(s) Fine Young Cannibals
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"She Drives Me Crazy"
"Good Thing"
Previous Episode
April 22, 1989
Next Episode
May 20, 1989

The 19th episode of Season 14 and the 265th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on May 13, 1989, hosted by Canadian former professional ice hockey player in the National Hockey League (NHL) Wayne Gretzky with musical guest Fine Young Cannibals, a British pop rock band.

Wayne Gretzky, a Candian former professional hockey player made his only hosting stint and Fine Young Cannibals made their only musical guest appearance on SNL.


Repertory Players[]

Featured Players[]


 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Preceded by:
April 22, 1989
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
May 20, 1989