Saturday Night Live Wiki
Saturday Night Live Wiki
 March 15, 1980
 Season 5 episode
Paul Simon s5
James Taylor s5
David Sanborn
 Episode 100
 Season Episode 14
 Host Paul Simon and James Taylor
 Musical Guest(s) David Sanborn
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"Cathy's Clown"
"Sunny Skies"
"Take Me to the Mardi Gras"
"Anything You Want"
Previous Episode
March 8, 1980
Next Episode
April 5, 1980

The 14th episode of Season 5 and the 100th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on March 15, 1980 was hosted by musical guests Paul Simon and James Taylor, while also featuring a third musical guest, David Sanborn. Internet sources often state that this episode had no host; this is incorrect. This is Paul Simon and James Taylor's fourth and third final respective musical guest stints, (until Simon hosted again for the 3rd time and his 5th musical guest appearance on the May 10, 1986 episode, the sixteenth episode of Season 11 with co-host Catherine Oxenberg) and (Taylor returned as the musical guest for his 4th appearance on the January 23, 1988 episode, the ninth episode of Season 13, hosted by actor and comedian Robin Williams), as well as the only musical guest appearance on SNL for David Sanborn.

Aside from being the 100th episode, this episode is notorious for the first F-word slip in SNL history, accidentally uttered by Paul Shaffer in the "Minstrels of Newcastle" sketch.


Repertory Players[]

Featured Players[]

Cameos by John Belushi, Carrie Fisher, Steve Jordan, Daniel P. Moynihan, Ralph Nader, Michael O'Donoghue, and Michael Palin

Sketches and Music Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Backstage Seance

SNL 100th Episode Cold Open

For SNL’s hundredth show, Laraine Newman, Jane Curtin, Garrett Morris, and Gilda Radner summon spirits of Michael O'Donoghue and John Belushi.
Montage Internet sources often state that this episode had no host; this is incorrect. In the section of tonight’s opening credits where the host is usually announced, Don Pardo says “With Paul Simon and James Taylor” (“with” was typically how Don announced hosts in the opening montage back then, instead of announcing them as “your host” or any variation thereof) while David Sanborn is announced separately as the musical guest.
Monologue by Bill Murray Bill Murray sings of the greatness of living in New York City.
Horizon Television The world’s biggest television system still retains its tiny viewing screen.
Biggest Leprechaun Sean the Leprechaun (Peter Aykroyd) is easily captured due to his large size.
The Nerds Todd’s (Bill Murray) quest to become Student Body president may be ruined by a smear campaign, when his opponent (Harry Shearer) brings up a past mooning infraction.
Paul Simon and James Taylor perform "Cathy's Clown". Introduced by Laraine Newman.
Weekend Update with Jane Curtin and Bill Murray With Roseanne Roseannadanna (Gilda Radner) and cameo by Ralph Nader
Minstrels of Newcastle Schanken the Minstrel (Bill Murray) irks his fellow musicians when he can’t master four drum beats in time to perform for the Queen (John Belushi). Cameo by John Belushi. Paul Shaffer suffers an f-word slip in this sketch, the first time that had ever happened.
Talk or Die Dirk Savage (Cameo by Michael Palin) struggles to interview his guests while enduring a multitude of death threats during the show.
New York State Wines Sen. Daniel P. Moynihan promotes New York State Wines, even though the taste isn’t favored by Honker (Bill Murray) and a pair of discriminating bums (Garrett Morris, Peter Aykroyd).
David Sanborn performs "Anything You Want. Introduced by Gilda Radner.
David Suskind David Susskind (Bill Murray) interviews ordinary people who have undergone extreme plastic surgery to look like their favorite celebrities. This sketch includes Paul Simon playing a man who was born looking identical to him, but was initially 6'7 and had to get 17 inches of bone removed from his legs to achieve Simon's 5'2 stature.
Goodbyes The cast and guests, including executive producer Lorne Michaels wave good night to the audience.


Preceded by:
March 8, 1980
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
April 5, 1980