Saturday Night Live Wiki
 January 28, 1984
 Season 9 episode
Don Rickles s9
SNL Billy Idol
 Episode 170
 Season Episode 11
 Host Don Rickles
 Musical Guest(s) Billy Idol
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"White Wedding"
"Rebel Yell"
Previous Episode
January 21, 1984
Next Episode
February 11, 1984

The 11th episode of Season 9 and the 170th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on January 28, 1984, hosted by legendary stand-up comedian and actor Don Rickles, with British rock singer-songwriter, musician and actor Billy Idol as the musical guest.

This was the only hosting stint for Don Rickles and the only musical guest appearance on SNL for Billy Idol.


Repertory Players[]

Cameo appearances by Brandon Tartikoff and John Madden as members of the audience.

Sketches and Musical Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
TV President Cold Open Hours before formally announcing his candidacy, President Reagan (Joe Piscopo) offers the benefits of a second term and other deals in the style of a Ronco infomercial.
Stand-Up Monologue by Don Rickles

Don Rickles Monologue - Saturday Night Live

Making his only hosting stint, Stand-up comedian and actor Don Rickles serves put-downs to members of the audience, John Madden, Brandon Tartikoff, and director Dave Wilson.
Kannon AE-1 Repeat from May 7, 1983.
I Married A Monkey VI Tim asks pal Jerry (Don Rickles) to talk sense into wayward Madge, but unbeknownst to him, the two have been carrying on a years-long affair.
The Hamlisch Maneuver The best way to help a choking victim is exposure to Marvin Hamlisch's (Joe Piscopo) nauseating songs and smarm.
Fascinating People and Their Friends Dr. Joyce Brothers and How To Get Girls Using Dynamite author Lester Poncey (Eddie Murphy) have differing views on relationships.
Witness Relocation

Witness Relocation - Saturday Night Live

Informant Mr. Booty (Don Rickles) has reason to doubt the abilities and efforts of the FBI's Witness Relocation department.
Billy Idol performed "White Wedding"
Saint Don of Verona Friar Don (Don Rickles) gives counsel and ad-libs insults during the Romeo and Juliet balcony scene.
Saturday Night News with Don Rickles The start of the "guest anchor" era of Saturday Night News; tonight's edition is mostly based around Rickles giving comment on "faces in the news". It's not bad, but not really a great fit for Rickles' normal rhythm. Tim Kazurinsky debuts a new character here: Worthington Clotman, the stuffy vice-president of NBC Standards & Practices. Named for real life network censor William G. Clotworthy, Kazurinsky basically does a few insult jokes "in character" as examples of what he dislikes about Rickles before referring to him as "a certain fat little bald Jew from Las Vegas who should wear a truss over his head as a muzzle". A little obvious, but it worked.
El Dorko: Sympathy Date El Dorko (Gary Kroeger) demonstrates a hidden savvy when Becky (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) excuses herself from a pity date with him.
This is Your Afterlife On the window ledge, Freddie Whipper (Gary Kroeger) presents suicidal Vegas comedian Mel Fifkin (Don Rickles) with deceased figures from his past.
Billy Idol performed "Rebel Yell"
Anniversary Special David Letterman's (Joe Piscopo) 2nd Anniversary Special will air in the SNL timeslot next week; Pee-Wee Herman (Mary Gross) brings a Johnny Carson doll.
Preceded by:
January 21, 1984
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
February 11, 1984