Saturday Night Live Wiki
 January 18, 2014
 Season 39 episode
SNL Drake temporary
Drake music 39
 Episode 756
 Season Episode 11
 Host Drake
 Musical Guest(s) Drake
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
First performance:
Medley of:
"Started from the Bottom"/"Trophies"
Second performance:
Medley of:
"Hold On, We're Going Home" and "From Time" with Jhené Aiko.
Previous Episode
December 21, 2013
Next Episode
January 25, 2014

The 11th episode of Season 39 and the 756th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on January 18, 2014, hosted by Canadian rapper and singer Drake, who also served as the musical guest, performing a medley of "Started from the Bottom and "Trophies," and a medley of "Hold On, We're Going Home" and "From Time" with Jhené Aiko.

This was the 2nd musical guest appearance and the first time as host on SNL for Drake.

This marked the first episode to feature Sasheer Zamata as a cast member.

Drake's goodnights speech is "Thank You So Much to Jhené, and Sasheer for Her First Night on SNL Make Some Noise (Cheers and applause), Thank You to My New Family, Make Sure You Watch Seth on His New Show Because He's Got a New Show All by Himself, And Thanks to This Great Cast, Goodnight, Everybody Thank You". (Cheers and applause)


Repertory Players[]

Featured Players[]

Musical guest appearance by Jhené Aiko

Sketches and Music Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Notes
Piers Morgan Live Cold Opening   Piers Morgan (Taran Killam) examines a series of recent scandals including Bridgegate, Alex Rodriguez's (Drake) lawsuits and the Justin Bieber (Kate McKinnon) egging incident.
Opening Montage
Portal 38 - Sasheer Zamata
The season 39 opening was update and the first credited for Sasheer Zamata as a cast member.
Monologue by Drake   Hosting for the first time, two-time musical guest Drake talks about being from Toronto, Canada, starring in Degrassi: The Next Generation and growing up with a Jewish mother and Black father, and then reminisces about his bar mitzvah. With Vanessa Bayer, Kyle Mooney, Jay Pharoah and Kenan Thompson. First appearance of Sasheer Zamata.
Hip Hop Classics: Before They Were Stars   On this show, you'll discover what TV roles today's hip hop stars had before they became famous musicians, such as Eminem (Taran Killam) on Felicity, Lil' Wayne (Drake) on Family Matters, and Rihanna (Sasheer Zamata) on Blossom.
Nancy Grace: Legal Pot   Nancy Grace (Noël Wells) welcomes a bakery owner (Kate McKinnon) and comedian Katt Williams (Drake) to her show to discuss marijuana legalization in Colorado.
Resolution Revolution   Several people (Drake, Taran Killam, Jay Pharoah, Sasheer Zamata) sing a catchy tune about how making New Year's resolutions is much easier than keeping them.
An Awkward Slumber Party   Melanie (Aidy Bryant) is wildly aroused when she meets her friend's Jessica (Sasheer Zamata) father (Drake) at a slumber party. Melanie continues to hits on him until he's forced to call her mother (Vanessa Bayer) to pick her up. Also Features Cecily Strong, Kate McKinnon, Nasim Pedrad and Nöel Wells.
Drake performs a medley of "Started From The Bottom" and "Trophies". Kenan Thompson introduces Drake's first performance.
Weekend Update with Seth Meyers and Cecily Strong Featuring Vanessa Bayer as Jacqueline Bisset and Nasim Pedrad as Arianna Huffington.
Disney World   Rahat (Nasim Pedrad) only wants to hold onto her rice as she assists Dalton (Drake) in performing an Indiana Jones stunt spectacular.
Poetry Class   A poetry teacher (Vanessa Bayer) tells students (Aidy Bryant, John Milhiser, Brooks Whelan, Sasheer Zamata) how writing poetry can transport them to a place beyond detention. One student (Drake) writes a flirtatious poem to her.
Darke performs a medley of "Hold On We're Going Home" and "From Time". Vanessa Bayer introduces Drake's second performance. Drake is joined by Jhené Aiko.
Mornin' Miami 2: Tre Shayearwood   Three exhausted and grumpy news anchors (Drake, Bobby Moynihan, Kate McKinnon) struggle to get through their promo shoot with smiles on their faces.
Beck Bennett and Kyle Mooney in "I Know"   Kyle's know-it-all attitude leads to a near-fatality while bragging to his buddy Beck Bennett.
Goodbyes   Drake thanked Jhene and Sasheer for her first on SNL, to his new family, remind everyone to watch Seth on his new show because he got a new show all by himself, and the great cast.


  • Zamata became the fifth African-American female cast member in the show's history, and the first since Maya Rudolph's departure from the show in 2007.
Preceded by:
December 21, 2013
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
January 25, 2014