Saturday Night Live Wiki
 February 28, 1976
 Season 1 episode
SNL Jill Clayburgh
 Episode 15
 Season Episode 15
 Host Jill Clayburgh
 Musical Guest(s) Leon Redbone & The Idlers
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"Ain't Misbehavin"
"Big Time Woman" by Leon Redbone
Previous Episode
February 21, 1976
Next Episode
March 13, 1976

The fifteenth episode of Season 1 of NBC's Saturday Night premiered on February 28, 1976, and was hosted by actress Jill Clayburgh with musical guest Leon Redbone. Jill Clayburgh's first hosting stint was made, and this is the musical guest debut for Leon Redbone on SNL, as well as the only musical guest appearance on SNL for The Idlers.

Cast: The Not Ready For Primetime Players[]

Sketches and Music Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
No More Falls No-more-falls-2-28-76 Tired of playing a buffoon on SNL, Chevy Chase tells Lorne Michaels he won't be doing any more falls for the show.
Jill Clayburgh's Monologue Jill-clayburghs-monologue-2-28-76 Don Pardo's game-show descriptions accentuate Jill Clayburgh's story of her date with him.
Great Moments In Herstory I Great-moments-in-herstory-i-2-28-76  
Jill Carson, Guidance Counselor! Jill-carson-guidance-counselor-2-28-76  
Leon Redbone performs "Ain't Misbehavin'"    
White Guild Relief Fund White-guild-relief-fund-2-28-76 Speaking as a representative of slavery, Garrett Morris says he'll be happy to accept guilt funds from white people everywhere.
Great Moments In Herstory II Great-moments-in-herstory-i-2-28-76 Isadora Duncan (Jill Clayburgh) chooses a fateful scarf.
Weekend Update With Chevy Chase Weekend-update-2-28-76 Laraine Newman reports from a vacant New Hampshire a week after the Primary. Emily Litella (Gilda Radner) says she opposes the "deaf" penalty.
H & L Brock H-and-l-brock-2-28-76 Lowell Brock (John Belushi) and the H & L Brock tax team show how you can claim your home as a church and use it as a tax write-off.
The Singing Idlers perform "Semper Paratus" The-singing-idlers-perform-semper-paratus-2-28-76  
Jill Clayburgh & The Singing Idlers perform "Sea Cruise" Jill-clayburgh-and-the-singing-idlers-perform-sea-cruise-2-28-76  
Car Yummies Car-yummies-2-28-76  
The Muppets The-muppets-2-28-76 The Muppets couldn't be here this week, so Chevy Chase takes their place, using his bare hands to enact a scene titled "Paying the Milkman."
Gary Weis Film Gary-weis-film-2-28-76  
Andy Kaufman Andy-kaufman-2-28-76 Andy Kaufman pulls up four members of the audience to lip-synch to an old recording of "Old MacDonald."
The Restaurant The-restaurant-2-28-76 While on a date, a woman (Jill Clayburgh) wonders what her boyfriend (Chevy Chase) is thinking about.
Triple-Trac Triple-trac-10-11-75 The three-blade razor is designed for people who'll believe anything they see.
Leon Redbone Performs "Big Time Woman" Leon-redbone-performs-big-time-woman-2-28-76  
Great Moments In Herstory III Great-moments-in-herstory-iii-2-28-76  
"The Mr. Bill Show" The-mr-bill-show-2-28-76 In a film by home viewer Walter Williams, clayman Mr. Bill is tortured by Mr. Hands and Sluggo.
Grable & Lombard/Goodnights Grable-and-lombard-goodnights-2-28-76 Betty Grable (Jane Curtin) and Carole Lombard (Jill Clayburgh) are married in a new TV-movie sneak-peek.
Preceded by:
February 21, 1976
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
March 13, 1976