Saturday Night Live Wiki
 February 23, 1991
 Season 16 episode
1991 Alec Baldwin
1991 Whitney Houston
 Episode 300
 Season Episode 14
 Host Alec Baldwin
 Musical Guest(s) Whitney Houston
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"I'm Your Baby Tonight"
"All the Man That I Need."
Previous Episode
February 16, 1991
Next Episode
March 16, 1991

The 14th episode of Season 16 and the 300th episode of Saturday Night Live premiered on February 23, 1991, hosted by actor and comedian Alec Baldwin, with musical guest Whitney Houston, who performed "I'm Your Baby Tonight" and "All the Man That I Need". This is Alec Baldwin's 2nd time as the host and the first out of the only two musical guest stints on SNL for Whitney Houston.


Repertory Players[]

Also Starring[]

Featured Player[]

Cameos by Jon Lovitz, Evander Holyfield, and journalist Arthur Kent

Sketches and Musical Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
The McLaughlin Group (Cold Opening) The McLaughlin (Dana Carvey) Group- panelists don’t get a chance to give answers. Includes a variation of “Live from New York…” by having Dana’s McLaughlin say, “Show show show, here we go.”
Alec Baldwin's Monologue Audible thoughts of Alec Baldwin, Whitney Houston, and others (including former cast member Jon Lovitz) reveal moments of doubt, as he returned to host SNL for the second time. Cameo by journalist Arthur Kent.
The Dancer (Commercial) Home exercise unit lets you boogie; Evander Holyfield cameo
The Honest Planet On The Honest Planet, office workers dispense with tact.
The Sinead O'Connor Awards Materialism in music industry is marked.
Whitney Houston performs "I'm Your Baby Tonight"
Lank Thompson: I'm A Handsome Actor Alec Baldwin is a product of Lank Thompson (Mike Myers)’s “I’m A Handsome Actor” course.
Pam Am (Commercial) Pan Am will let anyone who flies to Europe during Gulf War keep the plane.
Weekend Update with Dennis Miller Dennis Miller translates for unintelligible Bob Dylan (Dana Carvey) & Tom Petty (David Spade)
The Godfather Part IV Michael Corleone (Alec Baldwin) is the don of the future.
I'm Chillin' (Show) Onski (Chris Rock) sends F’ed Up malt liquor to the Gulf War troops.
Whitney Houston performs "All the Man I Need"
Reconciliation A woman (Julia Sweeney) is flustered by face-to-face confession to handsome priest (Alec Baldwin).
Cyrano de Bergerac Wide-nosed Cyrano de Bergerac (Tim Meadows) helps a man (Alec Baldwin) get with Roxanne (Jan Hooks).
Goodnights Alec Baldwin thanks Whitney Houston, and then tries to say something else, but is cut off by the SNL Band.
Preceded by:
February 16, 1991
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
March 16, 1991