Saturday Night Live Wiki
 February 15, 1992
 Season 17 episode
S17-e13 jason priestleyjpg
Teenage Fanclub
 Episode 319
 Season Episode 13
 Host Jason Priestley
 Musical Guest(s) Teenage Fanclub
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"What You Do to Me"
"Pet Rock"
Previous Episode
February 8, 1992
Next Episode
February 22, 1992

The 319th episode and 13th episode of Saturday Night Live's 17th season premiered on February 15, 1992, hosted by actor Jason Priestley, star of the FOX's hit drama series Beverly Hills 90210, with musical guests Teenage Fanclub, a Scottish alternative rock band.

Jason Priestly's only time hosting was made, and this was the only musical guest appearance on SNL for the Teenage Fanclub.


Repertory Players[]

Also Starring[]

Featured Players[]

Sketches and Music Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Preceded by:
February 8, 1992
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
February 22, 1992