Saturday Night Live Wiki
Saturday Night Live Wiki
 February 11, 2012
 Season 37 episode
SNL Zooey Deschanel
SNL Karmin
 Episode 716
 Season Episode 14
 Host Zooey Deschanel
 Musical Guest(s) Karmin
 Song(s) performed by
 Musical Guest(s)
"I Told You So"
Previous Episode
February 4, 2012
Next Episode
February 18, 2012

The 716th episode and 14th episode of Saturday Night Live's 37th season premiered on February 11, 2012. It was hosted by actress and musician Zooey Deschanel, star of FOX's hit comedy series New Girl, and the new hit live-action/animated fantasy film Harold and the Purple Crayon, with musical guest Karmin, a pop duo, who performed "Brokenhearted" and "I Told You So."

This was the only time as host for Zooey Deschanel, as well as the only musical guest appearance on SNL for Karmin.


Repertory Players[]

Featured Players[]

‡ Hader never appeared in any live sketches. He only appeared in certain pre-tapes, and was not there at the show live, due to an eye injury during the week.

Cameos by Nicolas Cage and Jean Dujardin

Sketches and Musical Performances[]

 Cold Open   Sketch   Pre-recorded   Weekend Update   Music Performance   Other 

Title Image Summary
Romney: Believe In America Cold Opening From his home, Mitt Romney (Jason Sudeikis) discusses his recent dip in the primaries and how it’s all part of his plan to secure the Republican nomination for President by not peaking too soon.
Monologue by Zooey Deschanel
Dressed for romance, actress Zooey Deschanel brings out her ukelele and sings “You Forgot it Was Valentine’s Day”, as she hosted SNL for the only time.
Clint Eastwood Chrysler Ad
Clint Eastwood (Bill Hader) is sidetracked from promoting Chrylser to clear up the media’s confusion as to the real intent of his message.
Piers Morgan Tonight
Piers Morgan (Taran Killam) leads a discussion on MIA’s (Nasim Pedrad) controversial middle-finger salute while performing at the Super Bowl with Madonna (Kristen Wiig) and LMFAO (Jason Sudeikis, Fred Armisen).
Les Jeunes de Paris Francois (Taran Killam) competes with (Jean Dujardin) for (Zooey Deschanel) in a black-and-white spoof of “The Artist”.
Clint Eastwood Chrysler Ad II
Clint Eastwood (Bill Hader) chastises America for not being as hard-working as China, then promotes Little Caesars Pizza.
Daily Post Newspaper
Rapid-fire dialogue of newspaper editor (Jason Sudeikis) and former reporter (Kristen Wiig) flies over the normal-paced head of the new girl in the office (Zooey Deschanel).
Clint Eastwood Chrysler Ad III
Clint Eastwood (Bill Hader) is annoyed that Mexico is taking over America, then promotes the new Trojan vibrating massager and “The Dark Knight Rises”.
Karmin performed "Brokenhearted"
Weekend Update with Seth Meyers
With guests Arianna Huffington (Nasim Pedrad) comments on recent women’s events in the news and “In the Cage”, Nicolas Cage (Andy Samberg) has created a clone (Nicolas Cage) of himself to help him realize his dream of appearing in every movie ever made.
Bein' Quirky with Zooey Deschanel
From her kitchen, Zooey Deschanel (Abby Elliott) discusses quirky behavior with BFF Mary Kate Olsen (Zooey Deschanel), Michael Cera (Taran Killam), and Bjork (Kristen Wiig).
An older man (Fred Armisen) wants to buy a cell phone, but he can’t comprehend the numerous weirdly-named options being pushed on him by the youthful salesman (Bill Hader).
Patio Party
Jolene (Kristen Wiig) and Wendy (Zooey Deschanel) promise the world’s tastiest crabs to their friends, but somehow forget to provide the much-lauded crabs.
In Memoriam After the crab sketch, a picture of Whitney Houston alongside Molly Shannon from a Mary Katherine Gallagher sketch was shown; Houston's death had been reported just hours before the episode premiered.
We're Going To Make Technology Hump
Tech geeks Danielle (Zooey Deschanel) and Jacob (Andy Samberg) present videos of digital goods humping one another.
Karmin performed "I Told You So"
Victorian Ladies
Victorian-era spinsters (Kristen Wiig, Zooey Deschanel) exchange handwritten correspondence regarding their ill-fated romances with creepy men who linger at their windows.
Goodbyes and Closing Credits   Zooey Deschanel thanked Karmin, Nicholas Cage, Jean Dujardin and everyone of SNL, this is the best night of her life.


  • This episode was dedicated to the memory of Whitney Houston, who died in Beverly Hills, California about 4 hours before the episode began. After the "Victorian Ladies" sketch, a picture of Houston on SNL alongside longtime former cast member Molly Shannon from a Mary Katherine Gallagher sketch was shown in complete silence.
Preceded by:
February 4, 2012
Saturday Night Live episode Followed by:
February 18, 2012